
MultiPath #

Starting from version 0.9.9, we’re supporting multipath, thanks to contribution by @bugfest ❤️.

If you’d like to use multiple path for serving different images, you can use the new config.json format. You can specify additional paths mappings under IMG_MAP dict.

IMG_MAP’s keys are URIs or Hosts names will be translated to their corresponding mapped value. It works in two different modes:

  • URI map: Keys have the form /.*
  • Host map: Keys have the form http?s://.*

Keys not matching this format will be ignored

The values can be:

  • Relative path to the current work directory
  • Absolute path
  • Remote HTTP or HTTPS host


  "HOST": "",
  "PORT": "3333",
  "QUALITY": "80",
  "IMG_PATH": "./pics",
  "EXHAUST_PATH": "./exhaust",
  "IMG_MAP": {
    "/2": "./pics2",
    "/3": "./pics3",
    "": ""
  "ALLOWED_TYPES": ["jpg","png","jpeg","bmp","gif","svg","heic","nef"],
  "CONVERT_TYPES": ["webp"],

Remember to change "HOST": "", to "HOST": "", if you’d like to use config inside Docker.

For example, you have some images under ./pics, ./pics2 and ./pics3, as below:

  • ./pics contains 1.jpg, 2.jpg, 3.jpg
  • ./pics2 contains example.png
  • ./pics3 contains webp_server.jpg
  • is a valid web service reachable by the local instance; hosts /favicon.png

Then you can access them via:

  • http://localhost:3333/1.jpg, http://localhost:3333/2.jpg, http://localhost:3333/3.jpg
  • http://localhost:3333/2/example.png
  • http://localhost:3333/3/webp_server.jpg

For the last example to work you need to pass the Host header as part of the request. If you use curl you can test it with the command curl -H 'Host:' http://localhost:3333/favicon.png

Note on IMG_MAP #

If you have multiple paths sharing the same prefix, for example:

  • /image
  • /image1
  • /im

Please be sure the longer prefix item is above the shorter one, for the example above, the IMG_MAP section should be defined as follows:

"IMG_MAP": {
  "/image1": "./some-path",
  "/image": "./some-other-path",
  "/im": ""